Comics Lab Workshop and Lecture with Kremena Dimitrova

  Happy to announce that Kremena Dimitrova will be joining us in Olomouc on Friday the 11th of October for a double feature – the lecture takes place at 9am CET (KAA 2.40), and the workshop will start at 3pm…

Categories: Comics

Comics-format book reviews of comics-format work

What’s the best way to review a graphic novel? In comics form! I’m clearly not the first one to try this – for other examples, check out Davies, P., (2018) “Enacting Graphic Mark-Making: A Review of A Theory of Narrative…

Categories: Book Review, Comics

Book: Medieval Spaces is on the way!

My book is moving through the publication pipes and will hopefully be released in October 2024! You can see a full description at the publisher’s page here (Springer Nature / Palgrave). If you are incredibly wealthy and personally fund a…

Categories: Comics, Medievalism

Appearance on Česká televize

For someone tasked with teaching American history and contemporary issues, it’s been a pleasure to offer some context around current events in American culture and society! While I don’t accept every invitation to comment (certainly declining topics which I am…

Chapter: Kafka and International Medievalisms

A new chapter just got published, officially out in July! “The Medievalist Simulacra of Kafka’s The Castle in Graphic Adaptations”, in Medievalisms in a Global Age. Edited by Angela Jane Weisl and Robert Squillace Boydell & Brewer, 2024. Here’s a short excerpt: Through their…

Categories: Comics, Medievalism

Comics Lab Lecture with Andrea Hoff

We are excited to welcome guest Andrea Hoff  to our online (school’s out for summer) lecture at the Comics Lab! This talk aims to collectively explore methods in which the theories and methods of critical posthumanism can be interwoven into teaching…

Categories: Comics

Finally – an arts question!

I finally got called on by the science section of Czech Television Studio 6 to talk about art and history! Still as many language flubs as ever, but I’m very happy that I got to share some context about the…